Being BARE is the willingness to strip down to our unique design and allow the wise, divine woman within to rise. Each day is an opportunity to start with our BARE selves and live out our magic, our beauty, and our purpose.

With curiosity, begin where you are in the present moment, exploring and gaining clarity and awareness of all that is within you asking to be heard and seen.

Awaken your courage to be vulnerable, gently reframing beliefs and completing stories that don’t feel good, releasing the energy keeping you bound in the past.

Reclaim and welcome home all parts of yourself with compassion, clearing the emotional blocks that have kept you stuck to make room for a more positive future.

Embrace all of yourself, rising into your unwavering and beautiful truth. In doing so, you begin to settle into a sense of profound peace, joy, and safety within yourself.
“I’m trying to strip myself down to my barest essentials so I can figure out where I begin and where the woman the world told me to be begins. I’m going back to the starting line. I want to unlearn all the stuff that made me sick and angry. I don’t want to come to the end of my life and discover that I never even knew myself.”
– Glennon Doyle
BARE encourages us to drop the outer layers of our beings and to live authentically. Live without feeling too self-conscious of what others think and of what society says is the norm. Live without the facades, the defenses, strategies, and walls that we’ve used to avoid our pain, the experiences we don’t want to remember, or the parts of ourselves we abandoned long ago in order to feel safe. When we live BARE, we raise our awareness of all our parts of self, welcoming them home and returning to what matters most.
So, why strip it bare?
To create space for the new – not new things, but a new way of being. Living BARE is a way of being. It’s resurrecting the very parts of ourselves we were trained to mistrust, hide, and abandon in order to keep others comfortable. It’s breaking down the walls of expectation that others told us to build. It’s leaving behind the heavy weight of comparison and exhaustion to recreate a life marked by meaning, connection, and love.
And it’s re-learning to sit in the stillness of our own bodies. In the stillness, we can turn towards all the places that bring us pain, and instead of suppressing the wounds, we can drench them with love.
With awareness and love, our pain no longer controls us.

To rise free, we first must learn how to live BARE.
And to live BARE means to return to what matters most.

To rise free, we first must learn how to live BARE.
And to live BARE means to return to what matters most.

To rise free, we first must learn how to live BARE.
And to live BARE means to return to what matters most.

Rising Collective
Rising Collective is a supportive and empowered community of women inspiring other women to live in their truth. The group offers a safe sanctuary for sharing, healing, and growing. And this is something which we all can benefit from both as individuals, and the greater collective.

Horses illuminate the parts within in us that we have forgotten and abandoned in order to survive.
Horses illuminate the parts within in us that we have forgotten and abandoned in order to survive.
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®, developed by Melisa Pearce, is an illuminating, integrative approach that combines Gestalt methodology with positive coaching and partnering with horses in the journey to self-awareness and emotional healing. When we can begin to be present with the entirety of our ourselves, witnessing every piece with curiosity, courage, and compassion, our equine friends are then given the freedom to become a willing guide in pointing us toward our truth to explore, to express, and to embrace fully with love.
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®, developed by Melisa Pearce, is an illuminating, integrative approach that combines Gestalt methodology with positive coaching and partnering with horses in the journey to self-awareness and emotional healing. When we can begin to be present with the entirety of our ourselves, witnessing every piece with curiosity, courage, and compassion, our equine friends are then given the freedom to become a willing guide in pointing us toward our truth to explore, to express, and to embrace fully with love.

Are you ready to rise into a more meaningful way of living?
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