What is Equine Gestalt Coaching?
At its core, Gestalt holds and honors a belief that we do the best we can given our level of awareness — hence, our work together is to help raise awareness for greater choice and empowerment.
While there are many types of modalities, Gestalt is holistic — offering a focus and acceptance of all parts of our humanness. Rather than analytical forms of therapy that deepen our understanding of events that have happened to us, Gestalt explores the moments in our lives that created unfinished business and brings those moments to the present so we can complete them and then let them go. And what is unfinished business? Trauma doesn’t only live in our minds through thoughts and memories, but within the cells of our bodies as stuck energy and emotions that weren’t adequately processed at the time the event took place.
These trapped emotions in our bodies often show up in our blind reactions and anxious thoughts, our many coping mechanisms, and our inability to love ourselves and be fully present in the world around us. Oftentimes, trauma is not only healed through the telling of the story of what happened, it is healed through safely releasing the shaking, trembling, tears, emotion, fear, and raw anger that is being tightly held within the bound energy of all of our self-protective responses. Letting our feelings breathe means they do not suffocate us anymore. The release that’s done through gestalt experiences happens at a cellular level resulting in lasting change. While the memories cannot be erased, the emotional charge and heavy energy attached to them will be gone.
Why horses?
The only language horses speak is the truth. As prey animals, they have a heightened awareness to energy and can sense when we are being honest with ourselves, where in our bodies we hold stories that haven’t been complete, and where we are holding suppressed pain that is aching to be explored, expressed, and held with love. Their non-judgmental approach and complete surrender to being in the present moment, allows us to drop into our bodies and bring into our own awareness what we’ve always known. And because the horse is viewed as my true partner in the co-active nature of this process, together we will guide you through a transformational experience that will facilitate connection to the deepest parts of yourself and assist you in releasing any emotional pain you still hold.

When we can begin to be present with the entirety of our ourselves, witnessing every piece with curiosity, courage, and compassion, our equine friends are then given the freedom to become a willing guide in pointing us toward our truth to explore, to express, and to embrace fully with love.

Why horses?
The only language horses speak is the truth. As prey animals, they have a heightened awareness to energy and can sense when we are being honest with ourselves, where in our bodies we hold stories that haven’t been complete, and where we are holding suppressed pain that is aching to be explored, expressed, and held with love. Their non-judgmental approach and complete surrender to being in the present moment, allows us to drop into our bodies and bring into our own awareness what we’ve always known. And because the horse is viewed as my true partner in the co-active nature of this process, together we will guide you through a transformational experience that will facilitate connection to the deepest parts of yourself and assist you in releasing any emotional pain you still hold.

When we can begin to be present with the entirety of our ourselves, witnessing every piece with curiosity, courage, and compassion, our equine friends are then given the freedom to become a willing guide in pointing us toward our truth to explore, to express, and to embrace fully with love.

Source: Touched by a Horse

The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse-human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future.
EGCM Results

Source: Touched by a Horse
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